Delete an instance of IXIA TEXTML Server (Linux)

You can delete an instance of IXIA TEXTML Server running on Linux, if it is no longer required.

To delete an instance of IXIA TEXTML Server:

  1. Go to the TEXTML Server setup folder.
    For example:
    cd /opt/ixiasoft/bin/nnnn/setup 
    Note: The number nnnn in the example is the build version number.
  2. Launch the setup command:
    The following message displays:
    Do you want to (create/update/delete) a Textml Server instance? (create)
  3. Go to the path containing the TextmlServer instances: /opt/ixiasoft/textmlserver.
  4. Type delete and press Enter.
    A message similar to the following is displayed, listing the TEXTML Server instances that are running on the machine:
    The list of instances of Textml Server:
    End of the list
    What is the name of the instance? [default]
  5. Enter the name of the instance to delete and press Enter.
    A confirmation message is displayed:
    Do you really want to erase the folder '/opt/ixiasoft/textmlserver/ts01' and
    all it content? [yes]
  6. Press Enter to delete the instance.
    The IXIA TEXTML Server instance is deleted.