
The Output Generator is the component that executes the transformation processes from DITA files to a specified output type, such as PDF, HTML, XML, CHM, etc.

At a high-level, the Output Generator works as follows:
  1. It retrieves from the Content Store the objects to be transformed.
  2. It saves the files to a working folder.
  3. It calls all the tasks defined in the conductor file to transform the DITA files.
  4. When the transformation is completed, it zips the generated output and returns it to the CCMS.

Any process can be defined in the conductor file to achieve the final transformation to the selected rendered output. The process can be a DITA Open Toolkit script (provided in the CCMS installation) or a custom build script. Also, the rendering engine for PDF can be customized to Antenna House, RenderX, or Apache FOP.

About this document

This document describes the Output Generator process in detail. It then provides different configuration scenarios to extend the Output Generator, for example, to add your own transformation scenarios, install another version of the DITA Open Toolkit, use a custom build script to transform the DITA files, and so on.

Note: This document is intended for IT personnel who install the Output Generator and for CMS toolsmiths responsible for establishing and configuring transformation scenarios.

For the initial installation procedure, see Installing IXIA Output Generator.