Language Manifest view

The Language Manifest view enables you to see the progress of content being translated to a specific language. This view dynamically updates as the content moves through the translation workflow.

The Language Manifest view displays the map and its dependencies in translation. As you generate localization kits and import translated content, the statuses of the objects change to reflect that progress.

This view uses the standard datagrid found throughout CCMS Web. As in any datagrid, you can add, remove, reorder, sort, or filter grid columns. You can create a custom view and export the datagrid contents.

The status of each object indicates where it is in the translation process. For details about the possible statuses, see Statuses for the Translation cycle.

Objects that have not yet been received from the ISP and imported appear dimmed, indicating they are virtual pointers only. After you import those translations, the content actually exists and you can interact with it as you normally would.

Language Manifests are in the same language as the target language. If the target language is French, the Language Manifest language is also French. If you search for Language Manifests, be sure to select the correct language in the Advanced Search panel.

Translation Manifests and Language Manifests are visually similar. To determine which you are looking at, check the Page field in the Translation Manifest view. If it contains a language code such as "fr-fr French," you are looking at a Language Manifest.

The Details side panel always displays information about the Translation Manifest, even if a Language Manifest is currently in view.

Figure: Language Manifest view

The Language Manifest view includes the following columns.


Object's translated title. This reflects the source title until the object is imported.


Object's virtual status, such as In translation

Original title

Object's initial title

Original revision

Object's original revision number at the time the Translation Manifest was created, which appends to the filename, such as 2

Original status

Object's original status at the time the Translation Manifest was created, such as Authoring:done

Managed by
The name of the Language Manifest that "owns" the translation of this object in this language. For details, see The Translation Manifest and its Language Manifests

Object's type, such as map


Object's identifier, such as abc0123456789012


Object's filename, followed by a semicolon and its revision number, such as abc0123456789012.dita;2


Object's filepath, such as /content/authoring/abc0123456789012.dita

You can add this column as well:

Localization initial status

Virtual status of corresponding object in Translation at time of initial snapshot, such as In translation or Do not translate