Localize a map in CCMS Web

About this task

These steps describe how to start a new Unified Localization project—for a new map, or for a map that has been edited and requires a new round of translation, for example.

Important: If you only need to generate (or re-generate) a localization kit for an existing Translation Manifest, do not follow these steps. Instead, see Generate a localization kit standalone.


  1. Search for and select the map you want to localize.
  2. From the More menu, select Localize.

    If you are using incremental localization, the map can be at any status specified in your configuration. If you are not using incremental localization, the map must be at its final status, such as Authoring:done.

    The Localize dialog appears.
  3. Accept the default Translation Manifest title or enter a new one.
  4. Optional: Enter a description for the Translation Manifest.
  5. Select the language(s) you want to localize to.

    The list of available languages depend on your configuration.

    Depending on your needs and preferences, you can generate one Translation Manifest that includes all the languages, or you can generate multiple Translation Manifests with different combinations of languages.

  6. Select the Generate Kit check box if you want to generate the localization kit now.

    If you don't generate the kit now, you can generate it later. See Generate a localization kit standalone for more details.

  7. Select the Include images as context check box if you want to include images that do not require translation in the localization kit.

    If you only want to include images that require translation in the kit, do not select this check box.

  8. Select the Include 'Already Managed' objects in the kit check box if you want to include objects that are part of other Translation Manifests in the localization kit.
    For an explanation of what "already managed" means, see The Translation Manifest and its Language Manifests.
  9. Click Localize.

    CCMS Web creates the Translation Manifest for the source language map and creates an associated Language Manifest for each language you selected. The Translation Manifest opens automatically.