My Kits/Imports page

All the translated content you generate in IXIA CCMS Web is temporarily stored online. You can access the localization kits you already created or the translated content that you imported back into IXIA CCMS Web.

Note: The page for My Kits/Imports does not include any content you localized using IXIA CCMS Desktop.
Figure: Sample My Kits/Imports page

The default setting is similar to that for My Outputs and saves the kits that you generate and the imports you manage for seven days, but your administrator can configure the expiration timeframe to a different limit.

The datagrid is also similar to My Outputs and lists the status of all kits and imports within the expiration timeframe.

Note: There are two access points to import translated content:
  • Click Import Localized Content in the upper right corner

  • Click the main drop-down menu and choose Import Localized Content