Status types for the Translation cycle

Each object within the Translation cycle moves along a continuum, marked by a change in status.

The status sequence for a translation or language manifest is different that it is for a content object. You can locate the status of an object on the grid. For some, the grid provides you with both an original status and current status.

Note: Your status types may vary, since your system administrator can configure each status to align with your corporate requirements.
Table 1. Sequence of status types for Translation and Language Manifests

Possible manifest status types

Possible related object status types




Flags the object as created in the Translation cycle and retains this status until you create a localization kit

In Progress

Translation:in progress

Indicates the object's inclusion in a localization kit for submission to a translation agency or a submission returned from your translation agency



Indicates all translation work is complete



Indicates you opted not to continue or complete the localization process

Table 2. Sequence of status types for content objects in the Translation cycle

Possible status types

Virtual or real


Not ready

Virtual status

(For incremental localization) Indicates content does not have an Authoring:done status and requires you to change its status prior to submission to the translation agency

To be translated

Virtual status

Indicates content is ready for localization by the translation agency

Do not translate

Virtual status

Indicates the translation agency should not translate the object

Note: Typical candidates for this status include branding, universally acknowledged technical terms, previously translated content, or images that do not require any translation.

In translation

Virtual status

Indicates its inclusion in a language manifest within the created localization kit


Real status

Indicates the object is back from the translation agency and imported into CCMS Web


Real status

Indicates the completion of the localization process for that object