Generate a localization kit

You can generate a localization kit at any time after you create a translation manifest. If you choose to wait, rather than generate the kit as part of creating the translation manifest, use this task to guide you.

The localization kit is the method the translation manifest uses to create a map and its related content references for each identified language. The kit contains a package for each language, known as a language manifest, and links that to the language code defined in your configuration that relates to that specific language.

You typically generate a localization kit from the translation manifest, but you may choose to follow the same steps for generating a kit from a language manifest by starting from the language manifest instead.

Note: This task assumes you already created a translation manifest and deferred generating the localization kit.
Note: You can generate a single kit for all languages or you can generate separate kits for different combinations of languages if you have multiple vendors or some other reason for breaking it down into smaller kits.

To generate a localization kit:

  1. Complete all steps to create a translation manifest, but do not complete the optional step of generating the localization kit. See Create a translation manifest.
    The translation manifest is created. It is a parent to all language manifests created as read-only objects for each language you selected during the creation process.
    Note: The first translation manifest you create is the manifest that includes all shared objects in other maps you might submit later. Any later versions mark any shared objects, it is copied as a read-only virtual placeholder and marked with a Do not translate status.
  2. Select the translation manifest that is related to the map you want to localize.
  3. Click , and then select Generate Kit.
  4. In the Generate Kit dialog, select a single language, some languages, or all available languages by clicking Select All.
  5. Click Generate.
    The localization kit is created for all the languages you selected.
  6. Go to My Outputs and click to download the kit.
    The localization kit is downloaded to your Downloads folder on your local computer as a zip file that contains a folder for each selected language.

    All image objects are in the manifest in their default format and also in the .image file format. The .image format is used for the content references within the topics to the images, so it is important only if your language services provider (LSP) needs to generate an output of the content, or if the agency validates the content in the kit.

    Do not edit any files that have a .image extension, since they are not imported when the kit returns from the LSP. Any images marked for translation are included in the kit with their original file format such as .JPG or .SVG so that the image can be easily edited using a graphics editor. The images in the kit with an file extension such as .JPG or .SVG are the images that are imported in the kit that returns from translation.

  7. Send the localization kit as a zip file to your LSP.