Open a language manifest

You can access a language manifest from within its related translation manifest.

Use the language manifest to track the status of objects you sent for translation and after you import them into CCMS Web.

Note: Objects in a language manifest are only created during import after translation is complete. The dimmed versions of object titles are visual placeholders for the actual objects created during import.

To open a language manifest from within a translation manifest:

  1. Search for, find, and select the translation manifest.
  2. Under the Page field, click the drop-down for all possible language manifests, and then select a language manifest from the list.
The language manifest you selected is open, displaying all related objects.
Important: An object retains a dimmed status of (New) until you generate a localization kit for its map. Once you generate a kit, the status changes to In Progress. It retains its In Progress status through import and review until a user with appropriate permissions, such as the Translation Coordinator, changes its status to Done or Canceled.