Docbase statistics

The docbase statistics text file generated by the docbasestats tool provides the following information:

  1. Granular analysis of the space used and the space allocated for the docbase, the data store and the version store. (See Table 1.)
  2. Granular analysis of the space used and the space allocated for each dictionary in the docbase.
  3. Two statistics that summarize all of the above:
    • The total bytes used by all dictionaries ("Total size used by the showed indexes")
    • The total bytes allocated for all dictionaries ("Total size reserved by the showed indexes")
These last two values are important tools for analyzing, and if necessary, adjusting memory allocation so that optimal memory is available for server operations.
Table 1. Docbase statistics
Name Description Example value
Number of pages in hash table Number of pages in the hash table used to map keys (indexed values) to documents. 1
Number of records in hash table Number of records in the hash table. 50
Total used size in hash table Space used by the hash table (in bytes). 7150
Total allocated size in hash table Allocated space for data (in bytes). 8152
Number of pages in hash table

Number of records in hash table

Total used size in hash table

Total allocated size in hash table

Each subsequent set of statistics identical to the first four statistics described above, refers to additional hash tables. The total number of hash tables depends on the size of your docbase. 1, 50, 6150, 8152
Number of pages in the hash table of the store

Number of records in the hash table of the store

Total used size in the hash table of the store

Total allocated size in the hash table of the store

These four statistics provide the pages, records, space used and space allocated for the hash table of the repository. 1, 50, 6680, 8152
Number of pages in the hash table of the version store

Number of records in the hash table of the version store

Total used size in the hash table of the version store

Total allocated size in the hash table of the version store

These four statistics provide the pages, records, space used and space allocated for the version store, which keeps an in-memory list of modifications made to the database. 1, 0, 4080, 8152
Total used size of both hash tables The total space used by the hash tables, the repository and the version store. 24060
Total allocated size of both hash tables The total space allocated for the hash tables, the repository and the version store. 32608