Install a new docbase
This procedure describes how to install a new, unpopulated docbase into TEXTML Server.
Docbases must be installed on a local drive or a storage area network (SAN) on the machine where you installed TEXTML Server. They cannot be installed on a Windows share or network file system (NFS) volume.
IXIASOFT recommends that you store all the docbases in a top-level folder, called docbases, and then create a sub-folder for the TEXTML Server version and then a sub-folder for each docbase so you can quickly identify and differentiate your docbases.
For example, if you had a production and a testing environment, you could have the following paths:
- c:\docbases\TEXTML45\Prod_v50
- c:\docbases\TEXTML45\Test_v50
To install a new docbase:
- Look in the logs. Open the textml_log.txt file in %ProgramData%\IxiaSoft\TextmlServer45\Log\ and check the error message details.
- If you get an Error installing document base message, repeat the procedure, ensuring that the Name is a docbase folder also selected in the Data box.
- An error can occur if you have not set the permissions correctly for the docbase. Make sure full permissions are given to the LOCAL SERVICE.