Creating and managing index definitions
The following topics describe how to open the Index Definition document for a docbase and how to create index definitions.
The Index Definition document is a user-created document that TEXTML Server references to build indexes. Indexes, also known as dictionaries, are lists of values that TEXTML Server stores, together with pointers to documents that contain the values. Indexes are identified by their type, which may be a word, string, date, time, or numeric. Index types are identified in the INDEXDEFINITION.DTD.
In the Index Definition document (indexdefinition.xml), you can create:
- Index definitions, which specify the criteria used to create search indexes.
- Reference lists, which list words or character strings to be included or omitted from indexing.
- Units, which group together multiple XML elements. A unit can be searched as if it were a single element.
- Summaries, which group together multiple elements so that they can be retrieved in a single operation.
The following can be indexed:
- Content identified by its XML element tags within the Index Definition document.
- Custom properties identified within the Index Definition document.
- Document properties such as headlines, publication date, and byline are automatically indexed without reference to the Index Definition document.
Note: You cannot index previous
versions of a document.