The system collection

The system collection in the Content Repository contains most of the files that make the IXIA CCMS work. These files include catalogs, document type definitions (DTDs), configuration files for IXIA CCMS Web, system configuration files, spelling dictionaries, plug-ins, templates, the HTML transform for previews, the XLIFF transform for localization, and stored reports.

The files in the root of the system collection are:
  • root-catalog.xml

    This catalog file is the starting point for the catalog structure. This is the catalog you point Oxygen toward.

  • systemversion.xml

    This file determines the kind of links that are created by default. You should never modify this file except as instructed by IXIA CCMS Customer Support.

The remaining files are in sub-collections.
Table 1. The system collection
Sub-collection Contents
catalogs Contains contents that point to files that validate DITA content. See The catalogs collection.
conf Stores most of the files that determine how IXIA CCMS behaves. See The conf collection.
dicts Contains spelling dictionaries by language. See The dicts collection.
dtd Stores DITA 1.2 standard for DTDs. See The dtd collection.
ext Contains extensions for new IXIA CCMS functionality. See The ext collection.
oxygen_cfg Stores a file that configures the authoring coloring scheme for conditional text. See The oxygen_cfg collection.
plugins Contains plug-ins to further define topic types, elements, or attributes. See The plugins collection.
taxonomies Stores the taxonomy terms you create, but is only present if you have created at least one term. See The taxonomies collection.
templates Contains templates for objects you use during content creation. See The templates collection.
webplatform Stores cascading style sheets (CSS) and XML configurations. See The webplatform collection.
xsl Contains XSL style sheets and reports templates, along with HTML topic previews. See The xsl collection.