The templates collection

The templates sub-collection within the Content Repository system collection contains all of the templates that are used to create various objects such as topics, maps, images, resources, taxonomies, snapshots, projects, relationship tables, and build manifests.

  • approvals

    This collection contains approval.approval, which is used to create approvals. The elements in this template come from approval.mod which in turn validates against approval.dtd. Both of these files are found in the com.ixiasoft.dita.dtd or com.ixiasoft.dita13.dtd plugin.

  • binaries

    This collection contains image.xml, which is used to create image metadata wrappers. The elements in this template come from Imagemeta.mod which in turn validates against image.dtd. Both files are found in the com.ixiasoft.dita.dtd or com.ixiasoft.dita13.dtd plugin.

    Example of image.xml
  • bmanifests

    This collection contains build-manifest.bmanifest, which is used to create build manifests. The elements in this template come from build-manifest.mod which in turn validates against build-manifest.dtd. Both files are found in the com.ixiasoft.dita.dtd or com.ixiasoft.dita13.dtd plugin.

    Example of build-manifest.bmanifest
  • collaborativereviews

    This collection contains, which is used to create collaborative reviews. The elements in this template come from collaborative-review.mod which in turn validates against collaborative-review.dtd. Both files are found in the com.ixiasoft.dita.dtd or com.ixiasoft.dita13.dtd plugin.

  • ditavals

    This collection contains an empty ditaval template which is used to create ditavals. The elements in this template come from ditaval.mod which in turn validates against ditaval.dtd. Both files are found in the com.ixiasoft.dita.dtd or com.ixiasoft.dita13.dtd plugin.

  • maps

    This collection contains templates for bookmaps, maps, and subjectScheme maps. The elements in this template come from the OASIS DITA DTDs, which are found in the DITA 1.2 system/dtd collection or the DITA 1.3 system/plugins/org.oasis-open.dita.v1_3 collection.

    Map ID, language, and title are generated using placeholder variables in map templates.

    Example of map templates
  • projects

    This collection contains project_template.xml, which is used to create projects. The elements in this template come from project.mod, which in turn validates against project.dtd. Both of these files are found in the com.ixiasoft.dita.dtd or com.ixiasoft.dita13.dtd plugin.

    Example of project_template.xml
  • relcells

    This collection contains templates that create cells in each of the three default relationship tables row types.

    Example of the templates for the relationship table cells
  • relrows

    This collection contains templates that create additional rows in each of the three default relationship tables.

    Example of the templates for relationship table rows
  • reltables

    This collection contains three templates that create relationship tables for maps from the Relationship Table Editor perspective. You can create additional reltable templates.

    Example of relationship table templates
  • resources
    This collection contains resource_template.res, which is used to create the resource metadata wrapper. The elements in this template come from resourcemeta.mod, which in turn validates against resource.dtd. Both of these files are found in the com.ixiasoft.dita.dtd or com.ixiasoft.dita13.dtd plugin.
    Example of the resource_template.res
  • snapshots

    This collection contains snapshot.snapshot, which is used to create snapshots. The elements in this template come from snapshot.mod, which in turn validates against snapshot.dtd. Both of these files are found in the com.ixiasoft.dita.dtd or com.ixiasoft.dita13.dtd plugin.

    Example of snapshot template
  • topics

    This collection contains templates for concept, task, reference, topic, referable-content, and glossentry topic types. The elements in this template come from the OASIS DITA DTDs which are found in the system/dtd collection (for DITA 1.2) or system/plugins/org.oasis-open.dita.v1_3 collection (for DITA 1.3).

    The topic ID, language, and title are generated without placeholder variables in topic templates.

    Example of the topic templates