The content collection

The content collection in the Content Repository contains all content objects such as topics, maps, images, and resources.

The content collection and its sub-collections are dynamically created in the IXIA CCMS when you add content, localize content, publish content, and create snapshots.

Table 1. The content collection
Sub-collection Contents

It contains all working copies of the content and objects currently in the Authoring cycle, marked as such with a status that begins withAuthoring:xxx.

When you expand this collection, it can take a long time for the content to appear. If the list is long, filter it to find a specific object.

See Content objects in the authoring collection.

Important: Never edit content from this location. By doing so, you bypass system logic and risk content corruption.
bmanifests It contains build manifest files after a user creates the first build manifest.
Note: If users have not yet created a build manifest, the collection is not present in the Content Repository.
Note: You can search for or create a build manifest as either an administrator or as a user.
localization It contains all working copies of the content and objects currently in the Localization cycle, marked as such with a status that begins with Localization:xxx.

It is organized by language with a language sub-collection for each language where there is translated content. These sub-collections are dynamically created after a user localizes content for a specific language.

projects It contains project content, based on the project management feature within IXIA CCMS.
published It contains content that has a Published status. Publishing is a specific action that creates non-editable copies of authoring content for purposes such as localization or branching.

It is organized by language with a language sub-collection for each language with published content. These sub-collections are dynamically created after a user publishes content for a specific language.

Note: Publishing is not available with DRM, so if you are using DRM, you will not have a Published collection in your system configuration.
snapshots It contains snapshots. This collection is dynamically created after a user creates the first snapshot.

It is organized by cycle, though it is unlikely you will ever see anything other than an authoring sub-collection. An additional localization sub-collection is created when a user takes a snapshot of a map in the Localization cycle. By default, you cannot take a snapshot of a map in the Published cycle, so you should never see a published sub-collection.

Note: When you publish a snapshot, it creates published content objects based on the pointers in the snapshot, but it does not create a published copy of the snapshot itself. You cannot publish or localize an actual snapshot object.