Content objects in the authoring collection

The content/authoring collection contains all the working copies of the content.

You can interact with files in this collection, but only do so based on the identified tasks.

Important: As tempting as it might be, never edit content from this location. By doing so, you bypass the system logic built into IXIA CCMS and you risk corrupting the content.
Table 1. Tasks associated with the authoring collection
Goal Action
Make an locked object available to another user
  1. Right-click an object that is locked by a given user.
  2. Select Break Lock to make the object available for editing by another user.
Compare two revisions
  1. Expand the object to see every revision.
  2. Compare the content of the two revisions of interest.
View an object's custom properties
  1. Right-click an object.
  2. Select Open Custom Properties to view current status, original file name, labels, revision history, and assigned users. If the object was imported, it also lists its path.
    Note: When you export content, the export includes the custom properties file. When you generate output, the Output Generator copies the custom properties file to its temp/ collection to make it available during the build process.
View an object's indexed content file
  1. Right-click and object.
  2. Select Open Indexed Content to view what is essentially a copy of the content object, but with additional information such as the full DITA class.
    Note: When you export content, the export includes the indexed content file. When you generate output, the Output Generator copies the indexed content file to its temp/ collection to make it available during the build process.