Configure Search view

You can customize the Search for and Advanced Search panels in the Search view.

Important: Make configuration changes in a test environment and confirm they work before copying them to a production environment. For dedicated SaaS deployments, test the changes and then ask IXIASOFT Customer Support to copy the changes to your production environment.

You can configure some search types and their related search panels.

Table 1. Search view options
Search type Description Applies to
Search for panel Advanced Search panel
Index Search according to indexed criteria. Yes Yes
Elements Search within a specific XML element. Yes Yes
Dates Search for documents created or modified on fixed or relative dates. No Yes
Attributes Search for XML elements having specific attribute values. Yes Yes
Figure: Advanced Search window

IXIASOFT CCMS comes with a default set of indexes, elements, attributes, and dates that are available to your users. You can modify the advancedsearchindexes.xml file (within the /system/conf collection), to add more search options by adding a new element according to the search type, as follows:
Search type Element to add
Index Add an <index> element to <indexes>
Element Add an <element> element to <elements>
Date Add a <date> element to <dates>
Attribute Add an <attribute> element to <attributes>
For example:
    <index display="Created By" name="createdBy" type="property" listable="true" views="ALL"/>
    <index ...>
Table 2. Search element attributes
Attribute Description Values
display Determines the label that appears in:
  • The Name column in the Advanced Search panel.
  • The Search in drop-down list in the Search for panel.
Any sequence of characters.
name Links the element with the corresponding index definition. The same string used in the Index Definition document NAME attribute.
type Indicates whether an index definition can be modified. Applies to <index> and <date> elements.
  • Property – Indicates a system-created index. While you can change a property display label, you cannot modify its name or definition in the Index Definition document.
  • Index – Indicates a user-created index. You can modify its definition in the Index Definition document.
listable Determines whether the Value field is presented to the user as a list.
  • True – Users select values from a list. The corresponding TEXTML index definition must be a <stringindex>.
  • False – Users must enter a value. Note that only the indexes with listable="False" are displayed in the Search in drop-down list.
attr Determines whether users can search inside non-standard attributes (such as version number, which contains spaces).
  • True – Searches within attribute values for the specified string. For example, you could search for “first” and the search would return files with labels such as “first release”, “first beta”, and “ladies first”.
  • False – Performs the standard index search.
views Deprecated. --

To configure Search view:

  1. In the TEXTML Administration perspective, connect to your server.
  2. Locate the advancedsearchindexes.xml file in the repository's /system/conf collection.
  3. Check out the file and open it for editing.
  4. To add or modify an Index search, locate the <indexes> element and add a new <index> element or modify an existing one, as necessary.
    The <index> element defines all the labels displayed under Name when users select an index type search.

    For example, to add the option to search the createdBy index, enter:

    <index display="Created By" name="createdBy" type="property" listable="true">
  5. To add or modify an Elements search, locate the <elements> element and add a new <element> element or modify an existing one, as necessary.
    The <elements> element defines all the elements that are displayed under Name when users select an elements type search. There must be a corresponding <unit> element defined in the Content Store's Index Definition document.

    For example, to add the option to search for the <fig> element, enter:

    <element display="Fig" name="fig"/>
  6. To add or modify a Dates search, locate the <dates> element and add a new <date> element or modify an existing one, as necessary.
    Note: Date searches only apply to the Advanced Search panel.
    The <date> element defines all the date properties displayed under Name when a user sets up a date search.

    For example, to add the option to search the creation date of a document, enter:

    <date display="Creation Date" name="creationDate" type="property"/>
  7. To add or modify an Attributes search, locate the <attributes> element and add a new <attribute> element or modify an existing one, as necessary.
    The <attribute> element defines all the attributes displayed under Name when a user sets up a date search.

    For example, to add the option to search for the align attribute, enter:

    <attribute display="Align" name="align"/>
  8. Save, close, and check in the file.
  9. Inform users of the changes.
    The changes will be applied automatically once users close and then reopen their IXIASOFT CCMS Desktop. Users can also apply the changes without restarting their CCMS Desktop by clicking IXIASOFT CCMS > Synchronize Configuration.
Search view is configured as you specified.