Configuring IXIASOFT CCMS Web

Although you can perform some basic administration functions in IXIASOFT CCMS Web using the Administration page, you must configure some features of CCMS Web elsewhere.

Here are some common CCMS Web features that you cannot modify on the Administration page:

Desired modification Method for configuration update
  • Automatic status changes for Approvals
  • Email notifications for Collaborative Reviews and Approvals
  • Track changes
  • User access rights
  • Workflows
Use TEXTML Administration in IXIASOFT CCMS Desktop

Features of editing pages (like Map Editor and Topic Editor), such as the following:

  • Content completion
  • DTDs
  • Preconfigured relationship tables
  • Toolbars and menus
  • Validation with Schematron
  • WSYIWYG style and form controls
Upload new or customized Oxygen framework extension for the IXIASOFT framework
Outputs and features of the My Outputs page Modify the configuration files for IXIASOFT CCMS Output Generator on the server hosting it.
Note: In a dedicated SaaS deployment, you cannot access the CCMS Output Generator directly. Contact IXIASOFT Customer Support to make changes to the Test Environment. After testing the changes in the Test environment, ask IXIASOFT Customer Support to copy the changes to your Production environment.