Create a map template that generates topics

You can create a map template with topics that will be generated automatically when users create a map based on this template.

By default, if you add topics to a map template, they will be added as stubs to the map: empty positions are created in the map and act as placeholders, but the actual topics are not generated.

To indicate that a topic should be generated when a map is created from a template, you add the xtrc="generate" attribute to the topic. For example, consider the following map template:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE map PUBLIC "-//IXIA//DTD IXIA DITA Map//EN" "IxiaMap.dtd">
<map id="mte1408546420716" xml:lang="en-us">
    <title>Template Map</title>
    <topicref navtitle="About this document" 
              xtrc="generate" />
   <topicref navtitle="Requirements" 

When a map is generated from this template, the "About this document" topic will be generated automatically, while only a topic stub will be created for the "Requirements" topic.

Location of topic templates

The type attribute in the topicref element must refer to a topic template stored in the system/templates/topic folder of the Content Store. If your topic templates are organized into subfolders, you must specify the subfolder structure in the type attribute. For example, consider the following structure in the Content Store:

Topic template structure
Templates would be specified as follows:
  • type="Technical Content/concept.xml"
  • type="Technical Content/reference.xml"
  • type="Release_Notes_Templates.xml"