Open and edit translated content

You can edit translated content just as you can authoring content. The difference is that for translated content, the Localization Manifest, not the map, is the required context.


  1. Search for the object you want to open or edit.

    See Search for translated content.

    You can open a translated object at Translation:in review or Translation:done.

    For editing, objects should be at Translation:in review. If an object is at Translation:done, you can move it to Translation:in review. Doing so might require other objects to change status as well, so use caution.

  2. Do one of the following:
    • Click the object's title to open it in view-only mode, then click Edit to check it out for editing if necessary.
    • Click to check it out for editing.
  3. Select the appropriate Language Manifest to use as context.

    If you are editing, you must select a Language Manifest. If you edit translated content without an appropriate Language Manifest context, you can create problems that are difficult to resolve.

    If you are only viewing an object, you might not need a Language Manifest. If you find that images or links do not resolve, click Modify in the Details panel to select a Language Manifest for context.

  4. If you checked out the topic and made changes, when your changes are complete, check in the topic.
  5. To indicate the object has been fully reviewed and approved, , click and move it to a status of Translation:done.