(Windows) Uninstall a previous version of CCMS Output Generator

For Windows platforms, the second task when you install a new IXIA CCMS Output Generator is to uninstall the old version.


  1. On the machine hosting the CCMS Output Generator, locate the Ixiasoft Output Generator service and stop it.
  2. Browse to the CCMS Output Generator bin directory.

    For example:

  3. Right-click the uninstall file UninstallOutputGenerator-NT and select Run as administrator.
    If a confirmation window opens, click Yes.
    A command-line interface opens. The system uninstalls CCMS Output Generator and displays a confirmation message:
    c:\Program Files\IxiaSoft\OutputGenerator\bin>UninstallOutputGenerator-NT.bat
    STATUS | [date] [time] | Ixiasoft Output Generator Service removed.
  4. In Services, click Refresh and confirm that the Ixiasoft Output Generator service is no longer listed