Configure the IXIA TEXTML Server connection settings

The fourth task when you install a new IXIA CCMS Output Generator is to configure the outputgenerator.xml file and so define the connection settings for IXIA TEXTML Server.

About this task

To configure CCMS Output Generator connection settings:


  1. Open the %OutputGenDir%/conf/outputgenerator.xml file.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    	<textml address="IP_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_USED_LEAVE_EMPTY" port="2500" forceupdate="false" version="4" secure="false">
    		<user domain="yourdomainname" name="outgen-username" password="password"/>
    Note: If this is a first time install of the CCMS Output Generator, open the outputgenerator.xml.empty file and save it as outputgenerator.xml after you remove the .empty suffix.
  2. In the <user> element, enter the domain, username, and password used by the CCMS Output Generator to connect to the TEXTML Server.
    <user domain="ixiasoft" name="OutputGenerator" password="ixiasoft"/> 
    Note: The name attribute cannot be empty.
    Note: You can also encrypt the password using the encrypt utility in the %OutputGenDir%/bin directory. See Encrypt a password.
  3. Leave the other parameters in the file alone, unless you are using the branding feature or SSL authentication. In such a case, you must specify take the following actions:
    1. In the port attribute, enter the TEXTML Server port.
    2. If you are using SSL security, specify the secure SSL port.
      Note: To enable SSL, you may also need to install a CA certificate on the CCMS Output Generator server. See Installing and Configuring IXIA TEXTML Server for IXIA CCMS for more information.
    3. Leave the forceupdate and version values unchanged.
    4. If you are using SSL, set the secure parameter to "true".
    5. Leave the timeout value unchanged.
      Note: This value specifies the time limit for the CCMS Output Generator to connect to the TEXTML Server, in milliseconds.
    6. Review your changes to the outputgenerator.xml to make sure they are correct.
         <textml address="IP_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_USED_LEAVE_EMPTY" port="2500" forceupdate="false" version="4" secure="false">
            <user domain="acme" name="outgen" password="outgenpass"/>
  4. Save and close outputgenerator.xml.