Test your CCMS Output Generator installation

Now that the IXIA CCMS Output Generator is installed, the eighth task is to test your install by generating a PDF file.

About this task

To test your CCMS Output Generator installation:


  1. Start the IXIA CCMS Desktop.
  2. Configure the CCMS Desktop to use the new CCMS Output Generator by taking the following actions:
    1. From the Global Actions menu bar, click the Connection Information button.
    2. Enter the CCMS Output Generator information by taking the following actions:
      • Hostname: Enter the name of the server hosting the CCMS Output Generator
      • Port: Enter the CCMS Output Generator port number, with 1500 as default
      • Monitor Port: Enter the local port where output generation progress is sent, which is 0 unless otherwise specified by your CCMS administrator
    3. Click Apply.
    4. Click OK.
  3. Use Search to find the document to output.
    Note: Make sure to use a map where everything is released. If the map or any children are locked, that might interfere with your test.
  4. Right-click the document to output and select Generate Output.
  5. In the resulting Generate Output dialog and in the Output Format list, click Dita2Pdf.
  6. Click Create.
    The output generates and returns a ZIP file. The generated PDF file uses the Apache FOP rendering engine and the styling of the default DITA Open Toolkit FOP transformation. To use your own styling plugins and another rendering engine, configure the CCMS Output Generator.