Configure the CCMS Output Generator host server properties

The components in the IXIA CCMS deployment connect to the CCMS Output Generator using CORBA. The third task when you install a new CCMS Output Generator is to configure host server properties for the CCMS Output Generator so that other components can connect to it.

About this task

The CCMS Output Generator's CORBA properties file defines the name of the server that hosts the CCMS Output Generator as well as the CCMS Output Generator connection port for user access.

To configure the CCMS Output Generator's host server properties:


  1. Open the %OutputGenDir%/conf/ file.
    Note: If this is the first time that you are installing the CCMS Output Generator, open the file and save it as by removing the empty suffix.
  2. Replace the default value, localhost, with the name and domain of the CCMS Output Generator server.
    Note: The other components, such as IXIA CCMS Desktop, use this name to connect to the CCMS Output Generator server and must be resolvable by all computers accessing the CCMS Output Generator.
  3. Configure the CCMS Output Generator port.
    Note: The default port number is 1500, but you can set it to any value as long as it corresponds to a port number that is not in use.
  4. Save and close