(Windows) Install the CCMS Output Generator service

The seventh task when you install a new IXIA CCMS Output Generator is to install the Ixiasoft Output Generator service in Windows.

About this task

To install the CCMS Output Generator in Windows:


  1. On the machine hosting the CCMS Output Generator, click Start, right-click Command Prompt, and select Run as administrator.
    If a confirmation window opens, click Yes.
    A command-line interface opens.
  2. Browse to the CCMS Output Generator bin directory.

    For example:

    cd C:\IxiaSoft\OutputGenerators\prod\bin
  3. Enter the name of the installation file and press Enter to run it.
    The system installs the CCMS Output Generator and displays a confirmation:
    c:\Program Files\IxiaSoft\OutputGenerator\bin>InstallOutputGenerator-NT.bat
    STATUS | [date] [time] | Ixiasoft Output Generator Service installed.
    Note: While you could run the InstallOutputGenerator-NT.bat directly from the bin subfolder by right-clicking it and selecting Run as administrator, MadCap Software recommends that you run it from the command-line interface so that you can see the confirmation message or an error message, if the CCMS Output Generator was not installed correctly.