IDs used for removal of XML main menu items and Oxygen toolbars

You can remove XML editor main menu items and the Oxygen toolbar by using the related IDs in the trace log.

IDs for the items in the XML main menu, the Oxygen toolbar on the top-level toolbar, and the Oxygen toolbar in the Oxygen XML Editor are listed in the Processing [oxygenactionbar] section of the trace log.
Processing [oxygenactionbar]
	com.oxygenxml.editor.validate .............: 
To remove a top menu, enter its ID in a <removeditem> element and enter its type in the type attribute. Valid type values are:
  • menu: XML main menu
  • toolbar: Buttons for the Oxygen editor on the top-level toolbar
  • button: Buttons inside the Oxygen editor
For example, to remove the Validate command from the XML menu, enter its ID in the eclipseui.xml file as follows:
<section id="oxygenactionbar">
   <removeditem id="com.oxygenxml.editor.validate" type="menu" />