Interface item IDs in a trace log

A trace log contains the IDs of the items in the interface.

The trace log contains the IDs of the interface items in the currently opened perspective. As you interact with items in the interface—for example, open a dialog box or select a menu option—they get added to the trace log, allowing you to easily identify the IDs of elements you want to remove.

The trace log first provides an overview of the currently opened perspectives with their section IDs and the number of items and removeditems configured for each section.

For example, the following trace shows that in addition to the startup perspective, the Information Architect (i.e., the LeadPerspective ID) and the DITA (i.e., the DitaPerspective) perspectives are open and that some items have been removed from the interface:
	Perspective id: [ixiasoft.eclipse.startup] has 3 section(s)
		Section id: [import] has 0 item(s) and 18 removeditem(s)
		Section id: [preferences] has 0 item(s) and 0 removeditem(s)
		Section id: [perspective] has 0 item(s) and 0 removeditem(s)
	Perspective id: [com.ixiasoft.dita.eclipse.gui.perspective.LeadPerspective] has 2 section(s)
		Section id: [views] has 0 item(s) and 0 removeditem(s)
		Section id: [panels] has 0 item(s) and 0 removeditem(s)
	Perspective id: [com.ixiasoft.dita.eclipse.gui.perspective.DitaPerspective] has 12 section(s)
		Section id: [menu] has 0 item(s) and 5 removeditem(s)
		Section id: [submenu] has 0 item(s) and 51 removeditem(s)
		Section id: [oxygenpopup] has 0 item(s) and 6 removeditem(s)
		Section id: [oxygenactionbar] has 0 item(s) and 27 removeditem(s)
		Section id: [panels] has 0 item(s) and 1 removeditem(s)
		Section id: [views] has 15 item(s) and 0 removeditem(s)
		Section id: [] has 0 item(s) and 10 removeditem(s)
		Section id: [com.ixiasoft.dita.eclipse.gui.views.sidebar.SearchGuiMiniBar] has 0 item(s) and 1 removeditem(s)
		Section id: [com.ixiasoft.dita.eclipse.gui.views.sidebar.SideBar] has 0 item(s) and 0 removeditem(s)
		Section id: [com.ixiasoft.dita.eclipse.gui.views.sidebar.SideBarResults] has 0 item(s) and 2 removeditem(s)
		Section id: [com.ixiasoft.dita.eclipse.gui.views.job.JobView] has 0 item(s) and 4 removeditem(s)
		Section id: [toolbar] has 0 item(s) and 13 removeditem(s)

The log then lists each section of the perspectives and, for each section, the log provides the ID of each item with a status indicating whether the item is currently removed. No status indicates that the item is displayed in the UI.