How can I view objects that have clones?

You can create an index to show a Yes or No value in a display column.


I want to display a column in my Search Results view that will show Y or N for the Cloned value for objects.


This index is not defined in the default configuration and must be added manually.


In the TEXTML Administration perspective, perform the following:
  1. Edit the Index Definition file to add the following index:
    <index NAME="clonedFromExist" CUSTOMPROPERTY="True" SYNC="True">
    	<stringindex KEEPEXTRACTEDVALUES="True">
    			<element DEPTH="INFINITE" XPATH="if (count(//clonedFrom) gt 0) then 'Yes' else 'No'"/>
    <index NAME="clonedToExist" CUSTOMPROPERTY="True" SYNC="True">
    	<stringindex KEEPEXTRACTEDVALUES="True">
    			<element DEPTH="INFINITE" XPATH="if (count(//clonedTo) gt 0) then 'Yes' else 'No'"/>
  2. In the Index Definition file, add the following two fields to the Summaries section:
    <field NAME="clonedFromExist" TYPE="Index" VALUE="All"/>
    <field NAME="clonedToExist" TYPE="Index" VALUE="All"/>
  3. To add the index to the display columns, edit the system/conf/display.xml file and add the following:
    <key halign="LEFT" label="Cloned To" name="clonedToExist" sortOrder="ASC" sortType="ALPHA" type="Index" visibility="255" width="30"/>
    <key halign="LEFT" label="Cloned From" name="clonedFromExist" sortOrder="ASC" sortType="ALPHA" type="Index" visibility="255" width="30"/>
  4. When the index has finished indexing, restart your IXIASOFT CCMS Desktop and add the Cloned To and Cloned From columns to your Search Results view.