The xsl collection
The xslsub-collection within the system collection of the Content Repository contains files used to create topic previews, stylesheets for localization, a template for reports.
The html collection
The html collection contains topic previews.
When you view a preview of a topic, IXIASOFT CCMS creates a quick basic HTML rendering of the topic using a simple transformation contained in the system configuration.
If you are familiar with the XHTML plugin in the DITA Open Toolkit, many of the files in the html sub-collection will look familiar as well.
- common collection
This collection contains all of the translated strings for boilerplate text such as note labels.
- xslhtml collection
This collection contains stylesheets that process the various DITA elements and attributes. It calls the dita2html.xsl stylesheet.
- dita2html.xsl
This is the stylesheet that calls all of the stylesheets in the xslhtml collection.
- dita2xhtml.xsl
This is one of the stylesheets that transform the DITA topic to the HTML preview.
- preview.xsl
This stylesheet enables you to add customizations to the preview, such as changing the formatting of text.
The localization collection
The localization collection contains stylesheets that are used to convert your DITA content to an XLIFF file for inclusion in a localization kit, which can then be sent of a translation vendor.
Likewise, when the XLIFF file comes back from your vendor, these stylesheets enable it to be burst back into DITA topics upon import into the CCMS. The CCMS creates an XLIFF file only if your system is configured to use XLIFF as your translation file format.
The report collection
The report collection contains an XSL template that the CCMS uses to determine what information to include in reports created using the new Reports functionality.
You select it in the default Report editor when you are creating a new report based on a TEXTML query and a viewpoint.
The resource collection
The resource collection contains files that are used, along with those in the html subcollection, to generate a preview of a topic.
These file names might also be familiar to you from their counterparts in the DITA Open Toolkit.
- commonltr.css
This file is a CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) file that formats the DITA elements for left-to-right directional languages.
- commonrtl.css
This file is a CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) file that formats the DITA elements for right-to-left directional languages.
- delta.gif
Appears to be no longer used by either the preview transform.
- deltaend.gif
Appears to be no longer used by either the preview transform.
- messages.dtd
This file is the DTD that validates messages.xml.
- messages.xml
This file is a list of error messages that the DITA Open Toolkit can display during a build.