Example of implementing an incremental localization process

The example is intended to illustrate an implementation of the incremental localization process. Your configuration and workflow may differ significantly.

For this example, you want to implement an incremental localization process that allows you to send a map and all its children through localization even though some of the objects are not finished. Suppose your current Authoring cycle contains these statuses for all objects: Authoring:work, Authoring:review, Authoring:complete, and Authoring:approved; and your Localization cycle contains Localization:tb translated, Localization:in translation, Localization:review, and Localization:done. You decide that you want objects in the Authoring:approved and Authoring:done to be translated, but not objects in Authoring:work or Authoring:review. This would allow you to start localizing some of the document as it becomes ready while continuing to work on other parts. Also, when you prepare the kit, you decide that you want to include all the objects (map and its children) regardless of their status in the localization kit to provide the translators with context for the content being localized.

If you were implementing this example, you would:
  • Add the new Localization:do not translate state to the Localization cycle.
  • Modify the access rights to allow any object in any state in the Authoring cycle to be sent to the Localization cycle.
  • Modify the access rights to define that only objects in Authoring:complete and Authoring:approved can be set to Localization:tb translated when they are sent to the Localization cycle.
  • Modify the access rights to allow all objects regardless of their status to be included in the localization kit.

To add the new state to the Localization cycle, you would lock the status.xml, map_status.xml, topic_status.xml, and images_status.xml configuration files and add the do not translate state to the <collection="/content/localization/" > section in each file.

After adding the new state, you would right-click the Content Store, select DITA CMS Admin > Manage Access to open the Access Manager window. In the Access Manager window, you will edit the access rights configure the incremental localization process.

In the Localize action, you define the statuses objects must be set to before they can be sent to the Localization cycle. Since you want to allow any object in any state in the Authoring cycle to be sent to the Localization cycle in this example, then for each object in the status/type column you would need to expand Authoring and select the checkboxes beside each state.

In the localize_api action, you define which statuses for each object are set to Localization:tb translated when they are sent to the Localization cycle. Since you only want Authoring:complete and Authoring:approved to be translated in this example, you would expand Authoring and select the checkboxes beside complete and approved.

In the Prepare kit action, you define which objects in which statuses are included in the localization kit. Since you want to include everything in the kit for this example, you would expand Localization under each object and select the checkboxes beside all the states.

With it configured like this, the process would work like this. When you right-click the map and click Localization > Localize, the map and all its children are sent to the Localization cycle regardless of their status. In the Localization cycle, objects that were in Authoring:complete and Authoring:approved are set to Localization:tb translated and objects that were in Authoring:work and Authoring:review are set to Localization:do not translate.

Figure: Example of sending a map to the Localization cycle with incremental localization

Example of the incremental localization process

When you prepare the localization kit, all the objects (map and its children) regardless of their status are included in the kit. The objects in Localization:tb translated are set to Localization:in translation. For each object in the Localization:do not translate status, IXIASOFT CCMS automatically adds the translate="no" attribute to the root element and removes all the ixia_locid attributes from the elements it contains. When you perform the process to import the files after they return from translation, the objects in the Localization:in translation status are set to the Localization:review status and the objects in Localization:do not translate are not imported.

Figure: Example of importing localized objects

Example of importing files during incremental localization process