Using the sequential localization method

You configure IXIASOFT CCMS to use the sequential localization method by enabling the SequentialLocalizationManagerService and SequentialImageLocalizationManagerService managers in the localizationManagers.xml file.


In DRM, these managers are called:

  • SequentialLocalizationManagerServiceWithContainer
  • SequentialImageLocalizationManagerServiceWithContainer

The following code shows the sequential localization manager classes in the localizationManagers.xml file.

<!-- Sequential Localization Manager, with auto-translation disabled -->
<manager class="com.ixiasoft.cms.controller.localization.sequential.SequentialLocalizationManagerService" 
   name="Sequential Localization manager">
   <config name="substantialChange">false</config>
   <config name="full.context">false</config>
   <config name="context.document.type">Dita2Pdf</config>
   <config name="include.default.images">true</config>
   <config name="in.context.exact.matches">false</config>
   <config name="translatable.attributes">alt,navtitle</config>
   <!-- <config name="">true</config>-->
   <!-- <config name="translation.autotranslation.fulltranslation.status">Localization:translated</config> -->
   <!-- <config name="retranslated.state"></config> -->
   <!--<config name="translated.state.type">review</config> -->   

<manager class="com.ixiasoft.cms.controller.localization.sequential.SequentialImageLocalizationManagerService"  
   name="Sequential Image Localization manager"

You can configure the following options for the sequential localization method:

Table 1. Sequential localization method options
Option Description
substantialChange Currently not supported for the sequential localization method. Leave the field as is.
full.context Specifies whether to package in the localization kit only the files that require translation (false) or to package all the files, even if they do not need to be translated (true).

For example, consider a map that contains five topics, but only two topics have been updated. When full.context=true, the five topics are included in the localization kit to provide context for the files that need to be translated. When full.context=false, only the two topics that were updated will be packaged in the localization kit.

Default value is false.

context.document.type Specifies how to output the context document. Enter the output type name as it appears in the outputtypes.xml file (for example, Dita2xhtml, Dita2Pdf, etc.).

If a context document is not required, leave this field empty.

include.default.images Specifies whether images should be provided as part of the localization kit for context. Note that these images are not provided in a format that can be used for localization; they are provided for context only.

Default value is false.

in.context.exact.matches Specifies whether to perform auto-translation when preparing the localization kit. If in.context.exact.matches is set to true, auto-translation is enabled. The sequential localization manager checks the previous version of the language object and will auto-translate elements that were previously translated and haven't changed.

If in.context.exact.matches is set to false, auto-translation is disabled. The sequential localization manager does not perform auto-translation and sends the content in the original language.

Default value is false.


Identifies an attribute as localized content and prevents the sequential localization manager from resetting the attribute.

By default, if auto-translation is enabled, the sequential localization manager resets attributes to the latest value in Authoring when preparing the localization kit. To prevent the sequential localization manager from resetting the attribute when auto-localization is enabled, add it to the translatable.attributes configuration option. Separate each attribute with a comma; for example:
<config name="translatable.attributes">alt,navtitle</config>
import.translations. Specifies if an object bypasses the status "review" (or the equivalent in your deployment) when it is re-imported into the Content Store after localization. Valid values are:
  • False: Puts the status to "review". This is the default value.
  • True: Skips the status "review" and puts it in the status defined by the translation.autotranslation.fulltranslation.status option or to the next status in the workflow if the option is not set.
translation.autotranslation. fulltranslation.status Specifies the status for documents that were fully translated by the auto-translation process. For example:
Localization:machine translated
Note: This status must be a valid status configured in your workflow. If you specify a status that is not in your workflow, this option will be ignored.
There is no default value for this option. If you don't specify it, the documents will be put in the standard workflow status (for example, Localization:review)
translated.state.type Specifies the type of state of the object when it is re-imported into the Content Store after localization. Valid values are:
  • review: Re-imported objects are set with the review state which corresponds to the status of "Localization:review" (or the equivalent in your deployment). This is the default value.
  • end: Re-imported objects are set with the end state which corresponds to the status of "Localization:done" (or the equivalent in your deployment).
retranslated.state Specifies the state that the topics will be in after they are retranslated from source (with the Localization > Retranslate from source command). This must be a valid state in your deployment.

To use the sequential localization manager:

  1. Open the TEXTML Administration perspective by clicking the TEXTML Administration shortcut on the tool bar. If the shortcut is not displayed, follow these steps:
    1. Select Window > Open Perspective > Other
    2. Click TEXTML Administration.
    3. Click OK.
  2. In the TEXTML Administration view, double-click the server. If your server is not displayed in the view, you must add it to the view.
  3. When the Connect as dialog opens, type your username and password and click OK.
  4. Double-click the name of your docbase to open a connection to the Content Store.
  5. Expand the Content Store's Repository node and browse to /system/conf to locate the localizationManagers.xml file.
  6. Right-click localizationManagers.xml and select Check Out.
  7. Open the file in an XML editor.
  8. Search for the SequentialLocalizationManagerService class.
    By default, the sequential localization manager is enabled in the localizationManagers.xm file; that is, its <manager> element is not commented out.
  9. To use the sequential localization manager, make sure that the <manager> elements for the SequentialLocalizationManagerService and SequentialImageLocalizationManagerService classes are not commented out, as shown below:
    <manager class="com.ixiasoft.cms.controller.localization.sequential.SequentialLocalizationManagerService"  
       name="Sequential Localization manager">
          <config name="substantialChange">false</config>
          <config name="full.context">false</config>
          <config name="context.document.type">Dita2Pdf</config>
          <config name="include.default.images">true</config>
          <config name="in.context.exact.matches">false</config>
          <config name="translatable.attributes">alt,navtitle</config>
          <!-- <config name="">true</config>-->
          <!-- <config name="translation.autotranslation.fulltranslation.status">Localization:translated</config> -->
          <!-- <config name="retranslated.state">retranslated</config> -->
          <!--<config name="translated.state.type">review</config> -->
          <!-- <config name="">true</config>-->
    <manager class="com.ixiasoft.cms.controller.localization.sequential.SequentialImageLocalizationManagerService" 
       name="Sequential Image Localization manager"
  10. Change the configuration options as required.
  11. Since only one localization manager can be enabled at any time, make sure that the concurrent localization manager is commented out.
    For example:
    <!-- Concurrent localization method -->
    <!-- manager 
         name="Node based Localization manager">
         <config name="substantialChange">false</config>
    </manager -->
  12. Save, close, and check in the file.
  13. Inform users of the changes.
    The changes will be applied automatically once users close and then reopen their . Users can also apply the changes without restarting their IXIASOFT CCMS Desktop by clicking DITA CMS > Synchronize Configuration.