You can find the version number for several different components of DITA CMS.
You can break the lock using the TEXTML Administration perspective.
If the DITA CMS Admin menu does not appear in the right-click menu in the TEXTML Administration view, it means the DITA CMS Administration plugin is not installed.
You need to obtain debug information on the plugins and dropins so you can investigate the cause of the failure.
You need to create the Acrolinx dropin from the Acrolinx public update site.
You can remove some temporary files to clear up disk space.
You can upgrade the client to the latest dropins but configuration updates need to be done for each build.
You can set up a new image format to use videos in your HTML output.
You need to declare the entity in your DTDs.
On MacOS, the eclipse.ini file is hidden inside the bundle.
This section contains FAQs for troubleshooting the DITA CMS Eclipse Client.