Configure docbase permissions

Docbase permissions refer to the permissions to perform TEXTML Server docbase-management tasks. Each docbase inherits the permissions that are assigned to its parent server, but you can customize them per docbase.

When configuring docbase permissions for a group or a user, if the group or user was assigned Document base administrator permissions at the server level (through the Server Security pane), you will not be able to modify the inherited permissions here. To modify the permissions, you must first revise the server permissions configuration.

To configure docbase permissions:

  1. Open the Administration Console and connect to a server.
  2. Expand the server node to display its docbases.
  3. Right-click the docbase and select Configure Properties from the menu.
    The Configure properties window appears.
    Note: You must have Document Base Administrator permissions, otherwise the Configure properties dialog box is not displayed.
  4. Select the Document Base Security tab.
    The Document Base Security pane appears:

    Figure: Configuring docbase security

    This Name list displays the groups or users that have been configured. Permissions that were configured on the server and inherited by the docbase are identified with the [Inherited] tag, as shown above.
  5. To add a group or a user, click Add.
  6. Beside Domain, enter the domain name for the group or user.
    For a local group or user, enter .\
  7. Beside User or Group Name, enter the name of the group or user.
    Note: This group or user must also have Server User or Server Administrator permissions, otherwise this group or user will not be able to connect to the server. This must be a group or a user configured on your operating system.
  8. To set up permissions, select the group or user name from the Name list.
    Note: If the group or user you select was assigned Document base administrator permissions at the server level (through the Server Security pane), you will not be able to modify the inherited permissions here. To modify the permissions, you must first revise the server permissions configuration.
  9. Do one of the following:
    • To give the group or user full permissions to the TEXTML Server docbase-management functions, select Document base administrator.
    • To give the group or user limited docbase permissions, clear the Document base administrator check box and select Document base user only.
    • To remove permissions for a group or a user, clear both Roles options. If desired, click Remove to remove the group or user name from the list.
  10. Click OK.
    The permissions settings you configured are applied to the docbase.