Configure server permissions

Server permissions refer to the permissions for performing operations on a TEXTML Server instance.

When the TEXTML Server is installed for the first time, the user Everyone is configured by default in the configuration file, with all the permissions, to ensure that Administrators can access the TEXTML Server and customize its permissions.

To customize the permissions for a TEXTML Server entity:

  1. Open the Administration Console and connect to the server.
  2. Right-click the server and select Configure Properties.
    The Configure properties dialog box opens.
    Note: You must have Server Administrator permissions, otherwise the Configure properties dialog box is not displayed.
  3. Select the Server Security tab.
    The Server Security pane appears. If this is the first time that permissions are configured, only user Everyone is displayed. If groups or users are already configured, they are listed in the pane.

    Figure: Server Security dialog box

  4. To add a group or user:
    1. Click Add.
      The Select Users or Groups dialog box appears.

      Figure: Adding a ServerUser group

    2. Beside Domain, enter the domain name for the group or user.
      For a local group or user, enter .\
    3. Beside User or Group Name, enter the name of the group or user.
      This must be a group or user configured on your operating system.
  5. Click OK.
    The group or user name is added to the Name list.
  6. Repeat from Step 4 until you have added all the required groups and users.
  7. To set up permissions, select a group or user from the Name list.
  8. Under roles, select any of the following:
    • Server administrator, to give full permissions for all server and docbase tasks.
    • Server user, to give permissions for some server tasks.
    • Default document base administrator, to give permissions for all docbase-related tasks.
    • Default document base user, to give permissions for some docbase tasks.
  9. Repeat from Step 7 to set up permissions for additional groups and users.
  10. When you are done, click OK to save your changes.
    The permissions settings you configured are applied to the selected TEXTML Server instance and will be inherited by docbases that are installed under it.
    Note: Once you have added all the groups and users that can access TEXTML Server, it is recommended to remove the user Everyone to prevent every user from accessing the server.