Understanding log calls

When log calls are enabled, all API calls to TEXTML Server are logged to a text file.

This file provides essential information on API calls such as how long a call took to execute, the function that was executed, the docbase used, the name of the user who initiated the call, and so on. You can use this information to troubleshoot your application.

Each call is logged in a single line entry; fields are separated by tabs, so you can easily import the log calls into a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel. The data recorded depends on the function executed.

For most functions, the log follows this basic structure:
Date  SessionID  User  Function  Docbase  Time  ThreadID  Memory  
For example:
2012-10-10 10:21:48(295)	5	ACME\user1	Logout	-	2e-005  	5248	188547072	
2012-10-10 10:21:48(295)	2	ACME\user2	Logout	-	2.7e-005	5248	188547072	
2012-10-10 10:21:51(295)	8	ACME\user2	Login 	-	4.8e-005	5248	188547072			

For some functions, additional parameters are provided:

Date  SessionID  User  Function  Docbase  Time  ThreadID  Memory  [Additional Parameters]
For example:
2012-10-15 10:34:31(295)   6   ACME\user4   SetDocuments   DemoBase   0.186   5148   176259072   4   3988   

Table 1 lists all the TEXTML Server functions that can generate log calls, while Table 2 lists all the MetaServices functions that can generate log calls, in alphabetical order. Functions that are underlined have additional parameters, while all other functions follow the basic structure. The basic structure and additional parameters are described after the table.

Important: To enable log calls, see the Log parameters section.

Basic structure

For all functions, the following information is provided:
Date  SessionId  User  Function  DocbaseName TimeElapsed  ThreadId  Memory


Field Description
Date      Date and time that the call was executed
SessionId            ID that uniquely identifies a user's TEXTML Server session
User      Name of the user who initiated the call
Function              Function of the call (e.g., SetDocuments, SearchDocuments, etc.)
DocbaseName      Name of the docbase for this call; if the API was applied to a meta result space (MRS), this field contains the name of the MRS
TimeElapsed      Time in seconds it took to execute the API call
ThreadId             ID of the thread that processed the API call
Memory Usage memory of the process at the time of the call; reserved for IXIASOFT's internal usage
For example:
2012-10-10 14:18:46(295)	47	ACME\user1	ConnectDocbase	DemoBase	0.000114	11204	170496000


For GetDocument calls, the following information is provided:
%basic-structure  GetFlag  DocSize


Field Description
GetFlag                Type of content retrieved; can be a combination of the following:
  • 0: Name of document only
  • 1—TEXTML_DOCUMENT_PROPERTIES: Document properties
  • 2—TEXTML_DOCUMENT_CONTENT: Document content
  • 8—TEXTML_DOCUMENT_SEARCHRESULTINFO: Search result information
  • 16—TEXTML_DOCUMENT_VERSIONS_LIST: List of versions
  • 127—TEXTML_DOCUMENT_ALL_FLAGS: All the information above
DocSize Size in bytes of the document retrieved. (Note that this is not the number of characters in the document.)
For example:
2012-10-10 14:19:07(295)	51	ACME\user1	GetDocument	DemoBase	0.000856	11204	170565632	=2(+TEXTML_DOCUMENT_CONTENT)	1218

GetDocumentData, GetDocumentDataResSpace

For GetDocumentData and GetDocumentDataResSpace calls, the following information is provided:
%basic-structure  DataSize  <Other IXIASOFT internal counters>
Field Description
DataSize              Size in bytes of the data retrieved. (Note that this is not the number of characters in the document.)


For example:
2012-10-15 15:24:19(295)   6   ACME\user4   GetDocumentData           DemoBase   0.00722    3152   157151232   421        <Other IXIASOFT internal counters>
2012-10-15 15:40:41(295)   12  ACME\user4   GetDocumentDataResSpace   DemoBase   1.3e+003   604    472698880   40911783   <Other IXIASOFT internal counters>
For GetDocumentResSpace calls, the following information is provided:
%basic-structure  GetFlag  DocCount  TotalSize


Field Description
GetFlag                Type of content retrieved; can be a combination of the following:
  • 0: Name of document only
  • 1—TEXTML_DOCUMENT_PROPERTIES: Document properties
  • 2—TEXTML_DOCUMENT_CONTENT: Document content
  • 8—TEXTML_DOCUMENT_SEARCHRESULTINFO: Search result information
  • 16—TEXTML_DOCUMENT_VERSIONS_LIST: List of versions
  • 127—TEXTML_DOCUMENT_ALL_FLAGS: All the information above
DocCount Number of documents processed by the function.
TotalSize Total size (in bytes) of all the documents processed by the function
For example:
2012-10-15 14:17:21(295)   673    ACME\user1  GetDocumentResSpace  DemoBase  0.00847   6100   207458304   =2(+TEXTML_DOCUMENT_CONTENT)  2   1218


For MetaServices_Impl::SearchDocuments calls, the following information is provided:
%basic-structure  MRSCount  Query


Field Description
MRSCount Number of documents returned by the search in the meta result space.
Query Query that was sent to TEXTML Server
For example:
2012-10-12 16:24:01(295) 2  ACME\user3   MetaServices_Impl::SearchDocuments   -   0.0411  7544    24694784   1   <query KEEPFULLNAMES="False" RESULTSPACE="R1" VERSION="4.0"><key NAME="ft"><elem>Ixiasoft</elem></key></query>


For SearchDocuments calls, the following information is provided:
%basic-structure  RSCount  TimeSeekRead  Query   


Field Description
RSCount              Number of documents returned by the search
TimeSeekRead Internal counter that indicates the time spent reading data on disk
Query Query that was sent to TEXTML Server
For example:
2012-10-10 14:17:21(295)	43	ACME\user1	SearchDocuments	DemoBase	0.002	11204	170491904	1	  0.000	<query KEEPFULLNAMES="False" RESULTSPACE="R1" VERSION="4.0"><property NAME="Collection"><elem>/</elem></property><sort><criteria ALPHAORDER="False" NAME="Name" NOVALUEFIRST="False" REVERSEORDER="True" TYPE="Property"/></sort></query>


For SetDocuments calls, the following information is provided:
%basic-structure  DocCount  TotalSize 


Field Description
DocCount Number of documents to which the function was applied
TotalSize Total size (in bytes) of the documents processed by the function
For example:
2012-10-15 10:34:31(295)   6   ACME\user4   SetDocuments   DemoBase   0.186   5148   176259072   4   3988   


For StartUpdate calls, the following information is provided:
%basic-structure  UpdateFlag   


Field Description
UpdateFlag Type of update activity:
  • 0: Update (index and deindex) the custom properties indexes
  • 1: Start the deindexing process.
  • 2: Start the indexing process.
  • 3: Rebuild all indexes.
For example:
2012-10-12 16:07:40(295)  3  ACME\user3  StartUpdate   DemoBase    0.000117   5100   175124480   INDEXATION = 0
2012-10-12 16:08:20(295)  3  ACME\user3  StartUpdate   DemoBase    0.000113   5100   175005696   DEINDEXATION = 1