Log parameters

The parameters in the <Log> element control the TEXTML Server logging behavior.

Table 1. Server log parameters
Parameter name Description Default value

Used to configure the logging of particular event types. Enter the values separated by white spaces. In the default configuration, Critical, Error, and Warning events are logged. Additional possible values are:

  • Trace
  • Debug
  • Info
  • Notice
  • Alert
  • PageSystem
  • DataStorageSystem
  • IndexSystem
  • TransactionManagerSystem
  • SchedulerSystem
  • IndexingSystem
  • LicensingSystem
Critical Error Warning

Specifies where the transactions log should be directed. Any number of values can be used, separated by white spaces.

The possible values are:
  • Stderr - Sends the log to the standard error stream. (Onscreen if the TEXTML Server is run at the prompt.)
  • Syslog - Sends the log to the standard OS logging system: EventViewer.
  • File - Sends the log to the file specified by the File parameter.

Specifies the log file and its location when the Target parameter is set to File.

The default setting creates the path to the installation directory relative to the configuration file's folder.


PrependDate Specifies whether the TEXTML Server prepends the date to the name of the log file. False
DaysOfLogToPreserve Specifies the number of days for which logs with prepend dates will be kept. For example, if DaysOfLogToPreserve is set to 7, then the logs from the past 7 days will be kept. Note that this does not mean that the last 7 files will be kept; for example, if the server was down for two days, then logs for only five days will be available.

To keep all the logs, enter 0.

Note: PrependDate must be set to True to enable this parameter. If PrependDate is set to False, this parameter is ignored.
SaveFlushStats Used to measure the speed of the disk operations in the TEXTML Server. It will trigger the creation of two sets of statistics files inside the document directory, which can only be understood by IXIASOFT customer support. False
LogCalls Used to trace API calls to the TEXTML Server. When set to True, API calls (for example, GetDocuments) are logged along with the time they took in seconds. Information is written to the file specified with the LogCallsFilename parameter. False
LogCallsLevel Specifies the API calls logging level. Valid values are:
  • detailed
  • precise
  • basic
LogCallsFilename Specifies the file name where API call statistics will be logged (the system automatically adds the .txt extension) when the LogCalls parameter is set to True. The TEXTML Server creates the logcalls directory relative to the configuration file's folder.


LogCallsDaysToPreserve Specifies the number of days for which call logs will be kept. For example, if LogCallsDaysToPreserve is set to 30, then the logs from the past 30 days will be kept. Note that this does not mean that the last 30 files will be kept; for example, if the server was down for two days, then logs for only 28 days will be available.

To keep all the logs, enter 0.

Note: PrependDate must be set to True to enable this parameter. If PrependDate is set to False, this parameter is ignored.
LongCallThreshold Specifies the length of time an API call must take before triggering a warning. The default value of 0 means that no warnings are triggered by long calls. 0
TimingLevel Used by IXIASOFT's customer support to measure certain aspects of performance inside TEXMTL Server.

Any one of the following values may be used:

  • IndexSystem
  • SearchSystem
  • DocumentOperationsSystem
(not specified)