Understanding the DATETIME_FORMATS.XML document
The DATETIME_FORMATS.XML document is a TEXTML Server system document that provides the date and time formats and patterns that are used for date index definitions.
DATETIME_FORMATS lists date and time formats and patterns for each locale. For example:
<format NAME="en_US" LANG="en" DELIM="; - / \ , .'"
COMB="DateTime" INFO="English/United States" STRICT="No">
Format element attribute | Description |
NAME | The name of the format, which is a locale. The INFO attribute provides more information on each locale. Each format proposes a set of patterns. |
LANG | The language of the format. The language code follows the ISO-639 standard, (see http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/IG/ert/ iso639.htm). while the country code follows the ISO-3166 standard (see http://www.iso.org/iso/en/ prods-services/iso3166ma/02iso-3166-code-lists/list-en1.html). Three additional formats are defined:
DELIM | The recognized separators. For each date or time format, TEXTML Server recognizes a set of separators. It can therefore recognize and properly index virtually any date or time, whatever the separator used. |
COMB | The order in which TEXTML Server evaluates times and dates
when they appear in the same element. TEXTML Server can read
date and time combinations, such as Thursday, October 31, 2002,
17:03. The COMB attribute indicates the order in which the date and time appear so that the indexing engine can recognize them. For example, let’s assume you specify a format that accepts EEEE d MMMM yy and MMMM yy as patterns for dates, and h:mm:ss a and H mm ss as patterns for times. If the COMB attribute is set to
TimeDate, the indexing engine will try to match the
date in the XML element with each date pattern in the
following order:
INFO | Describes the locale. |
STRICT | If Yes, indicates that the evaluated date must match the length of the pattern. (Set to Yes for the ISO format only.) |