Retrieve all system documents for a docbase

System documents define the XML structure for index definitions, queries, logs and other documents to which TEXTML Server refers for its operations.

Each docbase has its own set of system documents.

To retrieve all the system documents in a docbase:

  1. Open TEXTML Server Administration Console and connect to the docbase whose system documents you want to view.
  2. Expand the Document Queries folder.
  3. If desired, double-click Advanced v4 query.xml to see its syntax:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
    <!-- AllSystemDocuments.xml -->
    <query VERSION="4.5" RESULTSPACE="AllSystemDocuments">
        <property NAME="DocType">
  4. Right-click Advanced v4 query.xml and select Run.
    The system documents appear in the TEXTML Search Results window. For details on the system documents, see DTDs and other system documents.