Configure the notify field and message for the Build Manifest

The Build Manifest lets you configure an email address that will be notified when the build is completed as well as the message that will be sent.

To enable this feature, you configure:
  • The SMTP information so that the email can be sent
  • The email message sent to the email address
  • The target name that is executed to send the email
This information is configured in the IXIA CCMS Output Generator, in the file. The following code shows the default file:
# These properties control the SMTP configuration required to send emails at the end of the Build Manifest processing.  
bmanifest.smtp.mailhost = smtp.ixiasoft.local
bmanifest.smtp.mailport = 25
bmanifest.smtp.subject = This is an automated email from Skynet.
bmanifest.smtp.from.address =
bmanifest.smtp.username =
bmanifest.smtp.password =

#You can create any property that you may need to support for your smtp mail library
#For example:
bmanifest.smtp.ssl =

#The property value will be expanded at run time to match the destination.
#Also the template can include properties that will be expanded at runtime
bmanifest.smtp.message.file  = ${outgen.resources.dir.client}/notificationtemplate.html

# This must be a valid target in your conductor file or one supplied by IXIASOFT
# target name: Ixiasoft.SendEmail or Ixiasoft.SendEmailWithAuthentication = Ixiasoft.SendEmail
You can configure the following properties in this file:
Table 1. file
Property Description
bmanifest.smtp.mailhost SMTP server that will be used to send the email.
bmanifest.smtp.mailport SMTP port that will be used to send the email.
bmanifest.smtp.subject Subject of the email.
bmanifest.smtp.from. address Address that will be used as the From address when the email is sent.
bmanifest.smtp.username SMTP user name. Specify this property only if authentication is enabled on the SMTP server.
bmanifest.smtp.password Password for the SMTP user name. Specify this property only if authentication is enabled on the SMTP server.

This section allows you to specify any property that you need for your SMTP mail library or that you can use in the template file.

Specify a unique property name starting with bmanifest.smtp. You can then access this property in your custom target.

You can enter as many properties as you need.

bmanifest.smtp.message. file Path and name of the file that contains the notification template. By default, the %OutputGenDir%/data/resources/client/notificationtemplate.html file is used. To use another file, specify its path and file name.
bmanifest.smtp.ant. target Target that is executed at the end of the Build Manifest processing. By default, MadCap Software provides the following two targets:
  • Ixiasoft.SendEmail: Sends an email using the properties configured in the file, without the SMTP user name and password.
  • Ixiasoft.SendEmailWithAuthentication: Sends an email using all the properties configured in the file.
You can write your own target instead of using the ones provided by MadCap Software. If you write your own target, enter the target name in this property.

To configure the notify field and message:

  1. Open the %OutputGenDir%/data/resources/client/ file and save it as
  2. Open the file with a text editor.
  3. Configure the file as described in Table 1.
    For example:
    # These properties control the SMTP configuration required to send emails at the end of the Build Manifest processing.  
    bmanifest.smtp.mailhost = smtp.ixiasoft.local
    bmanifest.smtp.mailport = 25
    bmanifest.smtp.subject = This is an automated email from the Build Manifest process.
    bmanifest.smtp.from.address =
    bmanifest.smtp.username =
    bmanifest.smtp.password =
    #The property will be expand at run time to match the destination.
    #Also the content of file support properties expansion at run time
    bmanifest.smtp.message.file  = ${outgen.resources.dir.client}/notificationtemplate.html
    # This need to be a valid target in your conductor file or one supply by IXIASOFT
    # target name: Ixiasoft.SendEmail or Ixiasoft.SendEmailWithAuthentication = Ixiasoft.SendEmail
  4. Save and close the file.
  5. Open the %OutputGenDir%/data/resources/client/notificationtemplate.html.orig file and save it as notificationtemplate.html.
  6. Open the notificationtemplate.html file with a text editor.
  7. Edit the notification text as required for your deployment.
  8. Save and close the file.
  9. Restart Ixiasoft Output Generator service.

If an email address is specified in the Notify field of the Build Manifest, a notification email will be sent when the Build Manifest is generated.