Using another DITA-OT version

By default, the IXIA CCMS Output Generator uses version 2.5.4 of the DITA Open Toolkit (DITA-OT), but you can use more than one version.

CCMS Output Generator integrates the 2.5.4 version of DITA-OT. You can use this version or download and use another version, should you need to support transformation scenarios that require different versions of the DITA-OT. For example, you might be using older transformation scenarios that require the 1.8.5 version of DITA-OT while your more recent transformation scenarios use the 3.4.1 version of DITA-OT. In such a case, you would use both versions of the DITA-OT.

Specifying the DITA-OT version

You can configure a default DITA-OT version by setting the outgen.ot.version property in the file. See Configure the version of the DITA-OT used by default for more information.

You configure also configure a specific version of the DITA-OT to use per conductor file by setting the outgen.ot.version property at the top of the file, as shown below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<project name="conductor-ixia" default="" basedir=".">

	<!-- Set the version of the OT that will be used -->
	<property name="outgen.ot.version" value="3.4.1"/>

All the targets in the conductor file will use the version of the DITA-OT specified in the outgen.ot.version property. To generate the output using multiple versions of the DITA-OT, you create multiple conductor files.

For example, to support transformation scenarios that use the 2.5.4 and 3.4.1 DITA-OTs, you could create the following conductor files:
  • conductor-client-2.5.4.xml: Contains the 2.5.4 transformation scenarios
  • conductor-client-3.4.1.xml: Contains the 3.4.1 transformation scenarios

To use another version of the DITA-OT:

  1. Download the new version. See Download another version of DITA-OT.
  2. Configure CCMS Output Generator to use this version. See Configure DITA-OT version for transformation scenarios.