Create an access right for Spell Check

If you need to limit access to the Spell Check feature for maps and topics, you must create a new access right.

The CCMS does not include an access right for Spell Check; by default, the action is available for all users. If you want to limit the roles or groups who can spellcheck topics and maps, you must create a new method in the accessrights.xml configuration file.

The new method applies to both CCMS Web and CCMS Desktop.

With access right Without access right

The Spell Check menu option is available a map's More Options menu.

Results appear in the Spell Check side panel for topics

The Spell Check menu option is not available in a map's More Options menu.

No results appear in the Spell Check side panel for topics

CCMS Desktop

The Spellcheck option is available in the right-click menu for a map or topic.

The Spellcheck option is not available in the right-click menu for a map or topic.

  1. Check out and open accessrights.xml.
  2. Add the new method.
    <method name="Spellcheck" type="front-end" hide-when-disabled="true">
    	<!-- determines if a notification email should be sent when this action is taken -->
    	<notify enabled="false"/>
    	<!-- To be enabled or runnable the condition set must return true -->
    	<!-- possible operator are any (One of the condition must match)-->
    	<conditionset operator="any">
    			<!-- Object on which action is taken -->
    				<type name="topic">
    				<type name="map">
    			<!-- Action user must be in this list -->
    					<group name="Everyone"/>
    • The method must have the name Spellcheck, as shown.
    • The method must only specify the Authoring cycle, as shown.
  3. Specify the role and groups you want to spellcheck each object.
  4. Save and check in accessrights.xml.
  5. Refresh the Web Server.