Enable a trace log

IXIA CCMS Desktop provides a trace log that lists the IDs for the different interface items in a perspective.

When you enable the trace log, you get IDs for the following perspectives:
  • Startup
  • DITA
  • Information Architect
Note: To get the IDs of other perspectives, see Use the list of trace log IDs to customize a perspective.

When you enable the trace log, the UITrace.log file records the ID of the current perspective. As you open the different menus in the CCMS Desktop, the trace log file records the IDs of the different interface items you are interacting with. When you open another perspective, the trace log is cleared before it records the IDs for this perspective.

To enable a trace log:

  1. Open the %eclipse%/eclipse.ini file (for example, C:\eclipses\cms41_x64\eclipse.ini).
  2. Add the -Duitracefilename=<%file_location%>UITrace.log option to the file.
    Where %file_location% specifies where to create the trace log file. For example, if you specify the following:
    The file will be created in the c:\logs\ directory.
    To create the UITrace.log file in the same location as the eclipse.ini file, enter:
  3. Save and close the file.
  4. Restart the CCMS Desktop.

The UITrace.log file is created and contains the IDs of the perspective that is currently open. You may need to open dialogs and menus to get the IDs of these items. When you switch perspective, the UITrace.log file is overwritten with the IDs of the currently open perspective.