Example: Index children of glossentry topics

This example shows how to configure the indexes for reusable content. With these changes, IXIA CCMS indexes referable-content topics plus the immediate children of glossentry topics (not all ancestors).

Configuration changes

The lines of code that you need to add for this change are highlighted:

<index NAME="reusable_element_id">
   <stringindex KEEPEXTRACTEDVALUES="True">
         <element DEPTH="INFINITE" XPATH="//rcbody/*[@id]/@id"/>
         <element DEPTH="INFINITE" XPATH="//glossentry/*[@id]/@id"/>

<index NAME="reusable_element_name">
   <stringindex KEEPEXTRACTEDVALUES="True">
         <element DEPTH="INFINITE" XPATH="for $e in (//rcbody/*[@id]) return local-name($e)"/>
         <element DEPTH="INFINITE" XPATH="for $e in (//glossentry/*[@id]) return local-name($e)"/>

<index NAME="reusable_fulltext">
   <!-- System index required by the DITA CMS -->
   <admindescription>Fulltext index on the documents</admindescription>
         <element DEPTH="INFINITE" XPATH="//rcbody/*"/>
         <element DEPTH="INFINITE" XPATH="//glossentry/*"/>

<unit NAME="reusable_units">
      <unitelement XPATH="//rcbody/*[@id]"/>
      <unitelement XPATH="//glossentry/*[@id]"/>

Example of elements indexed

<glossterm> and the <p> inside <glossdef> have an id attribute.

<glossterm> is indexed and appears as reusable content. However, neither <glossdef> nor<p> appear as reusable content:
  • <glossdef> does not have an id attribute
  • <p> is a grandchild of <rcbody> and not a child

If <glossdef> had an id attribute, it would be indexed. But this configuration change alone ignores elements like <p>.