System lock

To execute some user actions, IXIA CCMS Web locks objects in the background. This process is called a system lock.

CCMS Web uses system locks to prevent objects from changing while a user is taking an action on them.

For example, while a user is creating a new instance of a map, CCMS Web locks the map. This prevents other users from changing the map while that user is creating a new instance.

To lock objects, CCMS Web uses a system identifier, which is the same as the userID/login for the service account.

Multiple intsances connecting to one docbase

If your deployment has more than one instance of CCMS Web connecting to the same docbase, then each instance of CCMS Web needs a service account with a unique userID/login. Without unique userID/logins, one instance of CCMS Web may break the system locks that other instances create.