Content reuse based on topic type

By changing the configuration of some indexes in the Index Definition file, you can allow users to reuse content from any topic in IXIA CCMS Web.

Each index identifies reusable components users can insert into content.

By default, each index only indexes content in referable-content topics. The indexed content is what users see as reusable content in the following dialogs:

  • The Referable-Content view in IXIA CCMS Desktop
  • The Reuse Content dialog in IXIA CCMS Web

You can adjust each index to include other topic types that have a specific attribute, such as <topic otherprops="reusable">.

Table 1. Reusable component index types
Type Function
reusable_element_id Indexes all the descendant elements in <rcbody> that have an id attribute
reusable_element_name Indexes the name of all descendant elements of <rcbody> that have an id attribute
reusable_fulltext Indexes the text of all descendant elements of <rcbody>
reusable_units (unit) Indexes all descendant elements of <rcbody> that have an id attribute
referable_component_library Indexes all maps that are designated as referable component library maps
Note: The identified maps have <data name="referable_component_library"> just after the <title> element. There is a default template for them.

Default index configuration

Default index definitions are located in the Index Definition file. The only limitation for how you configure an index is what is possible using XPath.

Note: In general, you must change every index for your configuration updates to work properly.

<index NAME="reusable_element_id">
	<stringindex KEEPEXTRACTEDVALUES="True">
			<element DEPTH="INFINITE" XPATH="//rcbody/*[@id]/@id"/>
<index NAME="reusable_element_name">
	<stringindex KEEPEXTRACTEDVALUES="True">
			<element DEPTH="INFINITE" XPATH="for $e in (//rcbody/*[@id]) return local-name($e)"/>
<index NAME="reusable_fulltext">
	<!-- System index required by the DITA CMS -->
	<admindescription>Fulltext index on the documents</admindescription>
			<element DEPTH="INFINITE" XPATH="//rcbody/*"/>
<unit NAME="reusable_units">
		<unitelement XPATH="//rcbody/*[@id]"/>