Set load limit for View Topic Content mode

To avoid performance issues when opening a map in Map Editor, IXIA CCMS Web automatically switches to the View Topic Reference mode in the Content view if the map exceeds a defined limit for topics.

In CCMS Web, if a map is very large, it might take a long time to load in the Content view if the View Topic Content mode is enabled. To fix this, you can configure CCMS Web so that maps that have more topics than the set number automatically switch to the View Topic Reference mode when loading in the Content view.

Note: Changes to this setting are global, and they impact all IXIA CCMS Web users.

You can set any value you want for the limit. However, performance might be reduced if the limit is too high.

  1. In the Oxygen configuration, find the options.xml file in the options directory.
    For example: C:\ixiasoft\ccms\oxygenworkspace\options

    The exact file path depends on your installation path.

  2. Edit options.xml.
  3. To set the limit you want, change the <Integer> parameter in the <entry> with the name topic.content.refs.limit.
    For example, the following sets the limit at 150 topics:

    So if the map contains 151 topics, it automatically switches to the View Topic Reference mode.

  4. Save options.xml.