Connect to RDP server for the first time in a dedicated SaaS deployment
Connecting to IXIA CCMS Desktop for the first time in a dedicated SaaS deployment involves downloading a remote desktop connection to your computer and using it.
Ensure an RDP client is installed on your computer.
If your computer uses Windows®, the Remote Desktop client might be pre-installed. If not, download and install it.
If your computer uses a MacOS, download and install the Microsoft® Remote Desktop client for Mac® from the Appstore.
- If you have never logged in to any component of
IXIA CCMS before, change your temporary
password in remote desktop.
In a web browser, go to the IXIA CCMS landing page for your installation.
The landing page is specified in your account creation email message from MadCap Software. For example, enter, where customer is the domain that was specified in the email.
- Click Change password.
Enter your domain\username using the domain and username
specified in your account creation email from MadCap Software.
Troubleshooting: You received this error message:
The user name or password that you entered is not valid. Try typing it again.
Check that the username and domain are correct, and that you used a backslash "\" after the domain.
- Enter your current password, which is specific to IXIA CCMS.
Enter your new password twice.
Passwords for users in dedicated SaaS deployments must meet the following requirements:
- Are at least 8 characters long. Your company might have increased this length requirement.
- Excludes your name, username, and domain name
- Does not contain spaces
Contains characters from three of the following four categories:
- Uppercase alphabet characters (A–Z)
- Lowercase alphabet characters (a–z)
- Arabic numerals (0–9)
- These non-alphanumeric characters: ~!#$%^*?_-+=
- Click Sign in.
Tip: If you cannot remember your current password, ask your IXIA CCMS administrator to contact IXIA CCMS Customer Support to request a password reset. -
In a web browser, go to the IXIA CCMS landing page for your installation.
- On the landing page, click IXIA CCMS Desktop.
Log in to the remote desktop server:
- Enter your domain\username using the domain and username specified in your account creation email from MadCap Software.
- Enter your password, which is specific to IXIA CCMS.
- Click Sign in.
Click the IXIA CCMS Desktop icon to download an RDP file,
and save the file to your local machine.
- (Optional): To change how much screen space the RDP session uses at launch, do the following:
- On your local machine, right-click the RDP file icon and select Edit.
A Remote Desktop Connection dialog opens.
- Click the Display tab.
- In Display Configuration, adjust the slider.
- Uncheck Use all my monitors for the remote session.
- Click Connect.
- On your local machine, right-click the RDP file icon and select Edit.
- If asked whether you "trust the publisher", select the checkbox next to Don't ask me again for this remote connections from this publisher, and click Connect.
In the Windows Security dialog box, enter your
Enter your domain\username using the domain and username
specified in your account creation email from MadCap Software.
Troubleshooting: You received this error message:
The user name or password that you entered is not valid. Try typing it again.
Check that the username and domain are correct, and that you used a backslash "\" after the domain.
Enter your password, which is specific to IXIA CCMS.
Even if you use common company credentials for CCMS Web, you must use MadCap Software-specific credentials for CCMS Desktop.
- Click OK.
The Remote Desktop Connection window opens. Inside the new window, you will see the IXIA CCMS Desktop icon on the Desktop.Troubleshooting: You received this error message:The remote resource can't be reached. Check your connection and try again or ask your network administrator for help.
The RDP protocol might be blocked in your corporate network. Contact your IT, and ask to allow RDP on port 443.
Enter your domain\username using the domain and username
specified in your account creation email from MadCap Software.