Dedicated SaaS deployment of IXIASOFT CCMS Desktop

If your company uses a dedicated SaaS deployment, you must log in to the remote desktop server before launching IXIA CCMS Desktop.

When you use remote desktop to log in to CCMS Desktop, you always use your MadCap Software-specific password even if your company uses Single Sign-On.

Single Sign-On (SSO)

If your company has implemented Single Sign-On (SSO) in a dedicated SaaS deployment of IXIA CCMS, that only impacts logging in to IXIA CCMS Web. Credentials for CCMS Desktop are still managed by IXIA CCMS in remote desktop.

If you use IXIA CCMS Web in addition to CCMS Desktop, you will have two passwords. One managed in remote desktop for CCMS Desktop and another managed by your company's identity provider for CCMS Web.

Without Single Sign-On (SSO)

Without SSO, all credentials for CCMS Web and CCMS Desktop are managed by MadCap Software in remote desktop.