Integration with IXIA CCMS Desktop

IXIA CCMS Web has a streamlined user interface that is easier for SMEs and reviewers to use than IXIA CCMS Desktop, and it provides writers with all the core tools they need to author content. The documentation development process spans both CCMS Web and CCMS Desktop.


CCMS Web uses assignments to control the access that contributors and reviewers have to content. Some assignments in CCMS Web are only active for a user when in the correct status. For example, contributors may only be able to work on assignments that are in a "contribute" status, and writers can only work on assignments in a "working" status.

Users usually have similar roles in CCMS Desktop and CCMS Web, allowing them to perform all the same tasks.

SMEs and other users

An administrator must add any new users in IXIA CCMS Desktop (such as SMEs, reviewers, and contributors) and assign them a role before they can use CCMS Web. The role that they are assigned depends on what they will be doing in CCMS Web:

Role Responsibilities
Approver Approve content using Approvals
  • Approve content using Approvals
  • Give feedback through Collaborative Reviews
  • Edit assigned maps and topics
  • Create new maps and topics
  • Approve content using Approvals
  • Give feedback through Collaborative Reviews
Reviewers with light editing privelages
  • Approve content using Approvals
  • Give feedback through Collaborative Reviews
  • Provide light editing with track changes

Avoid entities in your topics

CCMS Web only supports the following standard (predefined) entities:
  • quot ("): the double quotation mark (")
  • amp (&): the ampersand (&)
  • apos ('): the apostrophe (')
  • lt (&lt;): the less-than sign (<)
  • gt (&gt;): the greater-than sign (>)

Other entities may be converted into Unicode code. Instead use the keyboard keys, DITA keys, or the appropriate DITA elements and attributes as recommended by DITA best practices.

For example, the following entities will be replaced by Unicode code if they are present in your DITA source:
  • non-breaking space (&nbsp;)
  • soft hyphen (&shy;)
  • micro symbol (&micro;)
  • division symbol (&divide;)
  • en dash (&ndash;)
  • em dash (&mdash;)
  • ellipsis (&hellip;)