Shortcut keys

Shortcut keys let you perform many routine actions with just two or three keystrokes.

The following table shows you the keyboard shortcuts currently implemented in the IXIA CCMS Desktop.

If there are any Windows CTRL+ALT shortcuts mapped to the key sequences shown here, the Windows shortcuts take precedence.

The key mappings shown in this table are the default. Your system may be set up differently. If you want, you can change key mappings through the Preferences dialog.

Note: Some shortcuts may conflict with other Eclipse plugins.
Feature Shortcut Icon Other Access Description and comments
Clean all Views CTRL+SHIFT+V Clean dita views IXIA CCMS > Clean All Views Resets all views to their original default state, without rearranging their position in the DITA Perspective.
Copy CTRL+C Copy selection to clipboard.
Create map CTRL+ALT+M create map icon IXIA CCMS > Create Map Opens the Create Map dialog.
Create topic CTRL+ALT+T create file icon IXIA CCMS > Create Topic Opens the Create Topic dialog.
Cut CTRL+X Cut selection to clipboard.
Delete Del Standard delete.
DeleteDelDeletes the selected document and all its children in the DITA Map view or DITA Map Editor.
Demote document CTRL+RIGHT ARROW demote arrow icon Demotes the selected document one level in the DITA Map view or DITA Map Editor.
File /New/Other CTRL+N File > New > Other... Opens the New - Select a Wizard dialog
Find CTRL+F Opens the Find/Replace dialog.
Create image CTRL+ALT+I Image import icon new IXIA CCMS > Create Image Opens the Show/Edit Image dialog.
Import localization package CTRL+L IXIA CCMS > Import Localization Package Opens the Import Localization Package dialog.
Move down one level CTRL+DOWN ARROW move down arrow icon Moves the selected document one level down within a branch in the DITA Map view or DITA Map Editor.
Move up one level CTRL+UP ARROW move up arrow icon Moves the selected document one level up within a branch in the DITA Map view or DITA Map Editor.
Open/ close current branchSpacebarWith the parent document selected, toggles the current branch open and shut in the DITA Map view or DITA Map Editor.
Paste CTRL+V Paste from clipboard.
Promote document CTRL+LEFT ARROW Promote arrow icon Promotes the selected document one level in the DITA Map view or DITA Map Editor.
  • In a text editor - redo typing.
  • In DITA Map view or DITA Map Editor - redo the latest move.
Refresh preview CTRL+ALT+F5 Refresh preview icon Updates the Preview view.
Retrieve revision history CTRL+SHIFT+0 Revision history button Right-click the object and select Revision History. Retrieves the revision history.
Save CTRL+S Save File > Save Saves the current document.
Save all CTRL+Q File > Save all Saves all documents.
Synchronize configuration CTRL+ALT+S Sync system files IXIA CCMS > Synchronize Configuration Copies the most recent version of system configuration files from the server to your hard drive.
  • In a text editor - undo typing.
  • In DITA Map view or DITA Map Editor - undo the latest move.