Default roles and configurations

You can modify any or all of the default roles and related configurations in IXIASOFT CCMS.

The default configuration for each role specifies:

  • When each role is active on an object at a given state
  • How track changes behaves at its default settings
  • How many users, maximum, can be assigned for a role
Note: Your deployment might have a different configuration for default roles or have different roles and role configurations.
Table 1. Default role configuration
Role Responsibility Active Track changes default setting Maximum assigned users
  • Creates content, incorporates edits, and builds output
  • Often manages content with primary responsibility to assign it and move it through the workflow
Image, Map, Resource, or Topic
  • Authoring:work
Enable at will Only one at a time
Collaborative Review
  • Authoring:review
  • Authoring:in discussion
  • Authoring:open


Reviews content and enter comments in CCMS Web Map, Topic
  • Authoring:review

Collaborative Review

  • Authoring:review
  • Authoring:in discussion
If ForceTrack Changes=True, then Reviewers must edit with track changes on Any number

(peer reviewer)

Reviews topics created by another writer and either makes edits, with or without track changes, or comments Topic
  • Authoring:review
None Any number


Add content to CCMS Web topics or creates new topics and maps Topic
  • Authoring:contribute
  • ForceTrack Changes=True: Track changes is on and Contributors cannot turn it off
  • TrackChangesDefaultValue=On: Track changes is on by default, but Contributors can turn it off
Note: If ForceTrack Changes=True then TrackChangesDefaultValue=On does not have any impact.
Only one at a time
Information Architect Supervises and audits content creation to ensure content adheres to structural and style standards Ditaval, Map
  • Authoring:work
None Only one at a time
Translation Coordinator Manages translation projects Map
  • Localization:tb translated
  • Localization:in translation
None Only one at a time
Translation Reviewer Reviews translated content back from translation agency Map
  • Localization:review
None Any number
Project Coordinator Creates projects in CCMS Desktop and manages the schedule and resources within the project Project
  • Project:planning
  • Project:active
  • Project:on hold
None Only one at a time
Approver Uses CCMS Web to approve or reject content in an Approval object Approval
  • Authoring:open
None Any number